Response Times

Emergency Repairs

Emergency repairs include those repairs that are necessary to prevent danger to life, restore essential services and make safe any structural faults.

These can include no water supply, electrical faults caused by water leakage, total loss of heating (from Nov to April), burst pipe.

To be completed or dealt with within

24 hours

Urgent Repairs

Urgent repairs include those repairs that are necessary to prevent faults affecting the health of occupants, visitors or the public.

These might include repair of the hot water system and radiators, repair or replacement of toilet cistern, wash hand basin, sink unit or bath and replacement of slipped roof tiles where water is penetrating the property.

To be completed within

5 working days

Routine Repairs

Include repairs to restore the effective working order of fixtures and fittings that are not an immediate threat to health and safety.

These can include broken or damaged guttering, minor plumbing leaks, easing or re-fitting doors or windows, roof tiles or lead flashings.

To be completed within

20 working days