Housing Heroes Awards 2024

Our CEO Ben Laryea was recognised at Inside Housing's 2024 Housing Heroes Awards as the recipient of the ‘Inspirational Leader of the Year’ award. Ben has worked tirelessly for BME leaders to have a seat at the table with his commitment to dismantling systemic barriers and championing inclusivity within the housing sector.

Ben has not only brought attention to the issue of racial disparity but has also inspired transformative change and has been the pioneer of initiatives, the latest being the SHARP Social Housing Anti Racism Pledge. SHARP has developed the Race Equality Quality Assurance Framework where member organisations can use the self-assessment tool to stamp out racism.

Ben does not see his work as finished as he continues to inspire the next generation of BME leaders through his mentoring of future leaders, his support of the Leadership 2025 programme, and continued partnership working with some of the largest housing providers in the sector while continuing to campaign for decent homes and equality for BME residents. 

As the current Chair of BME London, Ben brings together a group of 14 BME led housing associations to collaborate, inspire and call out racial inequalities within the sector.

We are proud of Ben’s achievement and congratulate all nominees and winners of the Housing Heroes and Women in Housing Awards on their remarkable contributions to the housing sector. 

Ben Award Winner