Frequently Asked Questions

What is a registered social landlord?

In the UK, housing associations are private not-for-profit organisations that provide affordable, low-cost housing for people in need of a home. They are regulated by the state and Housing and Communities Agency (HCA). As a landlord they are responsible for collecting the rent from tenants whilst maintaining elements of the homes and estates.

What is supported housing?

Supported housing is somewhere where you can live temporarily and receive support that will enable you to live independently in your own home and contribute to your local community.

How do I get a home with Ekaya?

General Needs:

You will have to register with the local authority; we do not accept self referrals. Depending on the points you have and according to the local authority’s criteria they will nominate you when a property becomes available.

Supported Housing:

As with general needs Ekaya is not allowed to accept direct referrals, so you must be referred by one of the following agencies:

  • Local authority homeless persons units
  • Local authorities special housing units
  • Statutory agencies
  • Voluntary organisations working in partnership with local authority homeless persons units
What is a tenancy agreement?

This is a legal document which is a contract between yourself and your Landlord (Ekaya Housing Association).

Your tenancy agreement outlines the Landlord’s rights and obligations and the tenant’s rights and obligations. Failure to adhere to conditions of your tenancy agreement could lead to possession of your home. Possession can only be granted by a District or Circuit Judge in the County Court.

How do I report a repair?

Please go to our Repairs page here for full details of our procedure.

How do I get involved / have my say?

Ekaya has an active programme for customer involvement including a Customer Panel which meets quarterly and a Tenant Scrutiny Panel. For details of how you can get involved go to Customer Involvement.

Can I complain about the service I receive from Ekaya?

If things go wrong and you feel we have treated you unfairly, we have a comprehensive Complaints Procedure which provides details of where to go with your complaint.

What can I do if I suspect a neighbour of suspicious or anti-social behaviour or domestic violence?

Ekaya is committed to creating a safe living environment and home for all our customers and therefore we do not tolerate suspicious or anti-social behavior or domestic violence and have a process to tackle these issues.

If you suspect a neighbour of suspicious or anti-social behaviour or domestic violence then you can report it directly to your Housing Officer, either by calling or writing in. Ekaya will treat each case in confidence and sensitively. Visit our policy page for more information.

Am I allowed to have a pet?

Allowing a tenant to keep a pet is at our discretion as there is no statutory right to keep pets. We want to ensure that when allowing residents to keep pets this is not adversely affecting others, for example by causing a nuisance. We will ensure that cruelty or neglect are dealt with quickly and effectively and outline in which circumstances we may withdraw this permission. Please refer to our Pets Policy for more information : Pets Policy.pdf

How can I move out?

By giving Ekaya four weeks' written notice. Failure to do so will make you liable for any weekly rent payments.

What is my responsibility within my Ekaya home?

Your tenancy gives you rights and responsibilities. It’s important to adhere to the conditions of your tenancy agreement or license so you are not in danger of losing your home.

Talk to your Housing Officer if you are not clear on anything.

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Help to Buy Scheme Update November 2015