Ending Your Tenancy

If you decide to leave your home, you must write to tell us at least four weeks in advance. Your tenancy must end on a Sunday.

When you contact us, we will send you a tenancy termination form to complete. All joint tenants must sign this. All your household members and any lodgers must move out with you. If you leave anyone behind, you will still be liable to pay rent.

Before moving out

During your notice period, your Housing Officer and our Property & Compliance Manager will come to inspect your home and note down any work you should sort out before you leave.

We may also ask you to:

  • let new tenants view the property, and
  • give access for contractors to do some repairs.

Before you move out, you must:

  • pay any rent and service charge you owe – if you fail to do this, we will chase you to your new address
  • leave your home clean, tidy and empty of your belongings
  • read your electricity, gas and water meters on the day you leave and contact your suppliers with your forwarding address (but don’t ask them to disconnect the supply)
  • turn off your water at the stopcock and your gas and electricity supplies at the meters
  • close windows and lock the property securely, and
  • return all the keys to head office before 10am on the Monday after the Sunday date on which your tenancy ends.

You should also let people know you are moving, for example:

  • the council – to sort out your Council Tax or Housing Benefit
  • the DWP if you get other benefits, and
  • your family and friends.

We will ask for your new address in case we need to contact you about anything.

For more details, see our leaflet on Ending your tenancy