Can I Get Help To Pay My Rent?

If you are on a low income or you receive Department of Work and Pension (DWP) benefits, you may be entitled to help with your rent by claiming Housing Benefit. It is always worth checking this with your Housing Officer even if you think that you will not be able to claim.

At your initial sign up meeting when you sign your tenancy agreement or licence, your Housing Officer will ask you questions regarding your ability to meet the rent payments and can help you make a claim for assistance if this is appropriate.

You will also be required to provide other documentation including proof of any income or savings you may have along with your proof of your identity. Your claim for Housing Benefit or other DWP (Department of Work and Pensions) benefit is reliant on the correct information and documentation being supplied and submitted  by you, within the given time.

If you receive Housing Benefit it is also necessary to renew the claim periodically and to update your details if your circumstances change.