Applying For Benefits

There is a free benefits calculator on the entitled to website at entitledto

Universal Credit

Any new or updated claim for working age benefits is now a claim for Universal Credit.

To get Universal Credit, you have to apply online. There is a six-week wait before payments start and the benefit is paid one month in arrears. You may be able to get an advance before your first payment, but you will have to be able to prove you can pay it back within 12 months.

If you are a couple, you have to apply online separately, however your claim merges into one payment for your household. 

Universal Credit includes a payment towards your housing costs. It is up to you to pay your rent and to make sure that you keep your online details updated when your circumstances change.

If you need help to apply for Universal Credit, call the office.

Housing Benefit

You may still get Housing Benefit, if:

  • you are an existing working age claimant – but you are expected to move to Universal Credit by 2023
  • you are over state pension age – for more information go to the Age UK website. You will have to be on a low income and have savings of less than £16,000 to claim Housing Benefit. View the website AgeUK 

Extra payments for disability

PIP (Personal Independence Payment) is replacing DLA (Disability Living Allowance).

PIP is an extra benefit for people with disabilities or long-term health problems, who are aged 16-64. 

The amount you get depends on how your condition affects you.

You will need to apply for PIP if:

  • you make a new claim
  • your DLA ends
  • you turn 16
  • your condition changes, or
  • the DWP sends you a letter saying it is time for you to move from DLA.

You will usually have to go for a health assessment first.

Many people get offered less money under PIP than they got under DLA. You may need to appeal the decision. As many as three out of four people who appealed have been successful. Call the office if you need support.

If you are under 16 or you were born before 9 April 1948, you can keep getting DLA. 

Once you reach state pension age, you also have the option of claiming Attendance Allowance instead. Attendance Allowance may pay some people less, but it is not means-tested.